Booking Submission

Pickup Date*
Pickup time*
Pickup Point: *
Add New Stop (if any)
Drop-off Point*
Number of Passenger*
Contact Person
Contact Number
Flight Number (if any)
Captcha Code*
Terms and Conditions
Waiting Hour / Overtime:
‧ Guest no show 1 hour after the booked pick up time, the reservation will be treated as cancelled. Minimum charge will be applied.
‧ Overtime service exceeds 15 minutes and 30 minutes after the designated drop off time will be charged for half an hour and one hour respectively.

Cancellation / Amendment of the limousine service:
For cancellation or amendment of service please contact our reservation at least 24 hours in advance. Otherwise we reserve the right to decline such request and minimum charge will be applied.

Rental Quotation

Local Transfer & On Hire Buses Service (45 / 49 Seater)
Please call +852 31939333 for inquiry
Cross Border Limousine Service (6 / 7 Seater)
Please call +852 31939333 for inquiry
Cross Border Buses Service (45 / 49 Seater)
Please call +852 31939333 for inquiry